Vocabulary List – Week 3

Below is this week’s vocabulary list:

  1. nu·ance  n.
    A subtle or slight degree of difference, as in meaning, feeling, or tone; a gradation.
    The nuances of red in her hair glistened in the sun.
    I could tell he was lying by studying the nuances of how he acted and the tone of his voice.
  2.  fa·tigue/fəˈtēg/
    Noun: Extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.
    A sudden wave of fatigue hit me after my run.
    Verb: Cause (someone) to feel tired or exhausted:
    They were fatigued by their journey.
  3. grind·ing /ˈgrīndiNG/
    Adjective: Harsh and grating.
    I heard the grinding sound of gears clanking at the drawbridge was raised.
    Verb: To reduce to fine particles, as by pounding or crushing.  Also to wear, smooth, or sharpen by abrasion or friction.
    I was grinding my dagger on the stone to sharpen its edge.
  4. bellows 
    Noun: A device with a bag that emits a stream of air when squeezed.  Usually has two handles used for blowing air at a fire.
    I squeezed the bellows to get the coals to burn brighter.
    Verb: To yell loudly.
    My father sometimes bellows at my brother from across the house when he tries to get his attention.
  5. cru·ci·bleNoun/ˈkro͞osəbəl/
    A ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures.
    The jeweler put my jewelry into a crucible and melted it so he could form something new.
  6. impurities plural of im·pu·ri·ty (Noun)
    The quality or condition of being impure.
    A thing or constituent that impairs the purity of something.
    When I got a glass of water from the river, I saw no impurities floating in it, so I drank it and it tasted wonderful.
  7. mol·ten/ˈmōltn/
    Adjective:  Liquefied by heat.
    I watched the molten wax drip down the candle as the flame melted it.
  8. de·ceiveVerb/diˈsēv/
    (of a person) Cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage.
    I deceived my mother by telling her I didn’t have a slice of cake, so she gave me a second piece.
    (of a thing) Give a mistaken impression.
    The area may seem to offer nothing of interest, but don’t be deceived.
  9. e·rupt (-rpt)v.
    To break through something.
    We saw the first hint of the baby’s tooth as it erupted through his gums.
    To appear on the skin. Used of a rash or blemish.
    My skin erupted with all sorts of splotches. She had given me cooties!
  10. an·vil Noun/ˈanvil/
    A heavy steel or iron block with a flat top, concave sides, and typically a pointed end, on which metal can be hammered and shaped.
    The blacksmith hammered a piece of metal that was resting on the anvil.
  11. im·per·fec·tionNoun/ˌimpərˈfekSHən/
    A fault, blemish, or undesirable feature.
    The state of being faulty or incomplete
    I was holding a beautiful glass the had a single imperfection since somehow the tiniest of bubbles had formed in the glass while it cooled.
  12. brit·tle/ˈbritl/
    Adjective: Hard but liable to break or shatter easily.
    The glass was brittle as was evidenced by it shattering as it hit the ground.
    Noun: A candy made from nuts and set melted sugar
    My dad made peanut brittle and we all ate it when it finally cooled down.
  13. in·su·lateVerb/ˈins(y)əˌlāt/
    Protect (something) by interposing material that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound.
    I tried to insulate my house from the weather by having really good insulation in the walls.
    Prevent the passage of electricity to or from (something) by covering it in nonconducting material.
    The rubber coating on an electric cord attempts to insulate us from getting zapped by the electricity the cord carries. 
  14. pal·pa·bleAdjective/ˈpalpəbəl/
    Able to be touched or felt.
    The bruise on the apple was palpable and when I squeezed it, juice squirted out.
    (esp. of a feeling or atmosphere) So intense as to be almost touched or felt.
    The tension was palpable as everyone stared at the ticking bomb.
  15. hone/hōn/
    Sharpen with a whetstone.
    I honed my dagger to razor sharpness.
    hone in.
    To move or advance toward a target or goal:
    The missiles honed in on the military installation.
  16. kin·dlingNoun/ˈkindliNG/
    Easily combustible small sticks or twigs used for starting a fire.
    The boys collected a bunch of kindling because we needed to start a fire.
  17. re·prieve/riˈprēv/
    Noun: A cancellation or postponement of a punishment.
    I received a reprieve from today’s homework since we didn’t get home until midnight.
  18. in·fu·ri·ate/inˈfyo͞orēˌāt/
    Verb: Make (someone) extremely angry and impatient.
    My brother manages to infuriate me anytime he opens his mouth.
  19. rid·i·cule/ˈridiˌkyo͞ol/
    Noun: The subjection of someone or something to mockery and derision.
    I was the object of ridicule when I accidentally wore my shirt inside out and had to change in front of the class.
    Verb: Subject to mockery and derision.
    I would ridicule my brother when he said something dumb and this didn’t make my parents happy.
  20. perch plural of perch
    Noun: A pole, rod, or stick – usually horizontal, serving as a roost for birds.  Any place or object (e.g. fence, branch, twig) for a bird, animal, or person to rest upon.
    The bird was sleeping on his perch.
    A type of fish.
    I caught some perch and they were really tasty after my dad cooked them.
    Verb: To alight or rest upon a perch.
    My bother was perched on the edge of the sofa watching his favorite show and not paying attention to anything else.