Rothman’s Quarterly Update Q3 2022
Hi everyone,
As you guys know I don’t send e-mail too often, some of it is sheer laziness on my part (sorry) and honestly the rest of the excuse is because I’m pretty swamped. However, I do want to start putting more rigor to the frequency folks can expect communication from me.
From here on in, I’ll send out a quarterly update on what’s going on in the Rothman writing world, and then sporadically send out updates when I have something timely to talk about that wouldn’t otherwise wait for my quarterly update.
Let’s consider this to be my communication for the end of Q3 (July-September).
General Book Updates:
I will say that Q3 has been pretty hectic from a release point of view.
I released four books:
- The Swamp (English)
- Time Trials (German)
- Along with its German prequel.
- The Swamp (German)
- Multiverse (English)
The Spanish version of Darwin’s Cipher was released in Spain and became a bestseller over there. I can’t thank the readers enough, and I suppose it shouldn’t be a surprise that more is to come in that language. I can announce that the next book(s) that are being translated in Spanish will be the Levi Yoder series.

Travel News:
I don’t travel too often for public appearances, but I was recently at Dragon*Con, a huge (80,000 people+) science fiction and fantasy convention in Atlanta–it was lots of fun and I will likely be back next year.
Just imagine several city blocks filled with people dressed in normal clothes and then this in equal measure. (No, I didn’t get dressed up – I’m usually too stuffy for that, plus it’s summer in Atlanta. I might have melted.)

I will be traveling to Las Vegas in November to attend a writing convention called 20Booksto50K–mostly it’s my opportunity to give back to the writing community by giving talks, moderating panels, and it also gives me an opportunity to network a bit face-to-face with folks that I might otherwise only ever communicate with on the phone or through e-mail.
I’ll save any of my 2023 travel details for the next quarter’s update as those plans solidify. I’m fairly certain I’ll attend upwards of three events, but details pending.
Web Site News:
It has been a long time since I updated my web site, as in ten+ years. So I worked with a talented web designer and have re-done my web site to be a bit more modern and be something I can reliably point people to as the best place to get the latest information about my stuff.
The goal was to make it very simple to use, and without even having to click anything, you should be able to get a very good idea of what I’m doing, my current writing status, and the items I think need to be highlighted.

As always, I hope everyone is doing well, and as the cooler weather approaches (for the northern hemisphere) I hope you guys have a good and healthy change of seasons. And for those down under, I’m sure there will be lots of fun on the beach or other summer-like activities.
Dad joke(s) and funny observations of the day… 

I want the recipe for this salad, because I know my salads never get this kind of reaction.

When my son says, “Trust me, I got this….”

Parenting is mostly just informing kids how many more minutes they have of something.
After Leslie brought home her fiance to meet her parents, her father invited the young man into his study to find out more about him.
“What are your plans?” he asked Joseph.
“I’m a scholar of the Torah,” Joseph replied.
“Well, that’s admirable,” Leslie’s father replied. “But what will you do to provide a nice house for my daughter?”
“I will study, and God will surely provide for us,” Joseph explained.
“And how will you buy her a nice engagement ring?”
“I will study hard, and God will provide for us.”
“And children?” asked the father. “How will you support children?”
“Don’t worry, sir, God will provide,” replied the fiance.
The conversation continued in much the same fashion. After Joseph and Leslie had left, her mother asked her father what he found out.
The father answered, “Well, he has no job and no plans, but the good news is that he thinks I’m God.”
As always, it’s okay to groan with pain – my humor sometimes leaves a bit to be desired. ????
Anyway, I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.
All my best,