Quick Update from my writing desk…
I know, I’m guilty of not updating the blog with the frequency some of you might have gotten used to. Apologies and excuses all around. The dog ate my homework.
Alright, now that we have that over and done with. Let me give you an idea of what I’ve been doing.
Needless to say, there has been LOTS of background activity/edits/etc getting Lords of Prophecy out the door in the relatively quick time we did it.
For those who might have been following this saga, I’d actually finished another novel (PRINCESS INTERRUPTED), gone through editing cycles, cover art, and everything up to but not including the pre-press marketing. Yet, some of you might astutely notice that the title is nowhere to be seen. Let’s suffice it to say that there are business constraints on that title, and several different parties are debating on who puts it out.
I’ve learned a few lessons about being aggressive as an author, and writing a related novel [prequel] to the novels currently under contract. Nonetheless, I hope to see Princess come out (from whom – your guess is as good as mine) in the near future.
Needless to say, for me, Princess is water under the bridge (though I think everyone will truly enjoy it when it does come out), and I’ve been working on other things side from putting a bow on Lords of Prophecy.
The next title I am working on is not a directly related novel to my Trimoria series. It is actually set in today’s world, but strictly speaking, follows a Fantasy genre. Some might call it paranormal, but in my mind, I care less about the label and more about getting a good entertaining story out to folks.
As the story evolves, and I have a closer timeline to when I think I’ll be ‘done’, I’ll keep you guys posted. In the meantime, you’ll probably see me occasionally post as reviews come in on the released title (LORDS OF PROPHECY) and as always, you might see random posts of varying pithiness on this blog, my Facebook page, or on Twitter. I’m somewhat a vagabond on the social media circuit, and not particularly devoted to one particular place.
Also – for those who probably are interested, here is a snapshot of the ARC (early release hardcopy) for LORDS OF PROPHECY.